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Life by Design at In the Moment x

At In the Moment X with Julia Marie Clare, we believe in the power of ancient wisdom to transform lives. As a lifelong learner and seeker, I have discovered tools and techniques that have brought balance, happiness, and health into my life. I am passionate about sharing these transformative practices with others, helping them to live their best lives. Our holistic approach to health prioritises mental, emotional, and physical wellness as interconnected components of overall well-being.


We invite you to join us on a journey to discover the timeless wisdom passed down through the ages. Embrace practices rooted in permaculture, Ayurveda, yoga, herbalism, and sustainable living. Inspired by the Projects, with commitment to peace research, ecological sustainability, and holistic community living, we strive to create an eco-community that values biodiversity, agroforestry, and regenerative practices.


Together, let’s explore the interconnectedness of art, spirituality, and healing within our ecosystem. Our focus on education and leadership empowers individuals to contribute to a sustainable future. By blending ancient wisdom with modern energy technology and organic practices, we foster autonomy and resilience. Join us at In the Moment X and be part of a community where ancient wisdom and contemporary solutions come together for a harmonious and sustainable future. Let's create something beautiful and lasting, hand in hand.

Dive into Holistic Bliss with Julia Marie Clare: Featured in Yoga Magazine!

Updated: Feb 11

Yoga Magazine Featuring Julia Marie Clare - In the Moment x - Ayurvedic Herbalism, Herbalism Course
Julia Marie Clare - Featured in Yoga Magazine

Hello Beautiful Souls,

I am absolutely thrilled to share some exciting news with you! Yours truly, Julia Marie Clare, has been featured in the latest edition of Yoga Magazine, and I couldn't be more honoured.

Embarking on a Journey Together: In this feature, we delve into my 25-year odyssey in holistic lifestyle consulting and permaculture design. It's a journey deeply intertwined with nature's wisdom, where permaculture principles, holistic living, and a profound connection with our environment come together seamlessly.

Discover What Awaits You:

  • Holistic Lifestyle Consulting: Join me in exploring my approach to serving individuals committed to personal well-being and the well-being of our beloved planet. Let's uncover how tailored guidance can lead to a more balanced, sustainable, and meaningful life.

  • Unlocking Your Potential: Learn how, with my permaculture design experience, I act as your guide to unlocking your full potential. Together, we'll dive into mindfulness, self-enquiry, meditation, and personal growth to rediscover your authentic self.

  • Yoga and Ayurveda: I'm dedicating 3-4 hours a day to studying with my Guru, , at an Ashram in India. Join me in understanding how Yoga has become an integral part of my daily life, and my passionate integration of Ayurvedic techniques and wisdom.

Why You Need to Get Your Hands on Yoga Magazine: This issue isn't just a magazine; it's a gateway to transformative insights and practices that can elevate your well-being. Whether you're a seasoned yogi, a holistic enthusiast, or just someone curious about sustainable living, my feature is tailor-made for you.

Where to Snag Your Copy: Don't miss out! Head to your local bookstore or order online to secure your copy. Let the pages of Yoga Magazine be your guide to unlocking a more authentic, balanced, and fulfilling life.

This isn't just a magazine feature; it's an invitation to join me on a journey toward holistic bliss. Let's embrace well-being and sustainable living together!

In love and light,

Julia Marie Clare

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