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Life by Design at In the Moment x

At In the Moment X with Julia Marie Clare, we believe in the power of ancient wisdom to transform lives. As a lifelong learner and seeker, I have discovered tools and techniques that have brought balance, happiness, and health into my life. I am passionate about sharing these transformative practices with others, helping them to live their best lives. Our holistic approach to health prioritises mental, emotional, and physical wellness as interconnected components of overall well-being.


We invite you to join us on a journey to discover the timeless wisdom passed down through the ages. Embrace practices rooted in permaculture, Ayurveda, yoga, herbalism, and sustainable living. Inspired by the Projects, with commitment to peace research, ecological sustainability, and holistic community living, we strive to create an eco-community that values biodiversity, agroforestry, and regenerative practices.


Together, let’s explore the interconnectedness of art, spirituality, and healing within our ecosystem. Our focus on education and leadership empowers individuals to contribute to a sustainable future. By blending ancient wisdom with modern energy technology and organic practices, we foster autonomy and resilience. Join us at In the Moment X and be part of a community where ancient wisdom and contemporary solutions come together for a harmonious and sustainable future. Let's create something beautiful and lasting, hand in hand.

Five Days of Permaculture Bliss: A Journey at the Permaculture Women's Retreat

Permaculture Women's Retreat - In the Moment x with Julia Evans-Peers  - Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Permaculture Design Consultant - Mumsnet - AIBU - Positive Psychology, mental Health, world mental health, boho beautiful Yoga, boho meditation, wakeup
Permaculture Women's Retreat - In the Moment x with Julia Evans-Peers

Permaculture Women's Retreat - In the Moment x with Julia Evans-Peers  - Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Permaculture Design Consultant - Mumsnet - AIBU - Positive Psychology, mental Health, world mental health, boho beautiful Yoga, boho meditation, wakeup

Permaculture, with its ecological wisdom and sustainable design principles, has garnered global attention. But what happens when you combine the power of permaculture with a women-centred retreat in the serene lap of nature? You get a transformative experience like no other. Join us as we explore the world of permaculture through the lens of the Permaculture Women's Retreat - a five-day course that brought together permaculteurs from around the world.

Day 1: Welcoming Our Global Permaculture Community

The Permaculture Women's Retreat is not just about learning; it's about building a community. The first day was all about introductions, icebreakers, and connecting with like-minded women (and a few enlightened men) who have come from all corners of the world to share their passion for permaculture. It was truly heart warming to witness the diversity and richness of experiences within our community.

Day 2: Exploring the Wisdom of Paul Stamets and Fungi Perfecti

We explored the work of Paul Stamets, the mycologist and founder of Fungi Perfecti, his profound knowledge of fungi and their role in permaculture. Fungi are the unsung heroes of permaculture, playing a vital role in soil health, nutrient cycling, and more. Stamets' insights left us in awe of the incredible potential of fungi in regenerative agriculture and ecological restoration.

Day 3: Hands-On Workshops and Practical Skills

The heart of permaculture lies in its practical applications. Day 3 was dedicated to hands-on workshops, where we learned about composting, mulching, rainwater harvesting, and much more. Working in harmony with nature, we discovered the beauty of turning our hands into tools for creating regenerative systems.

Day 4: Building Resilience and Community

Permaculture is not just about sustainable land management; it's about creating resilient communities. On this day, we delved into the social aspects of permaculture. Through group discussions and activities, we explored how to build stronger, more connected, and resilient communities. We discussed topics like food sovereignty, local economies, and the power of community gardens.

Day 5: The Permaculture Women's Vision

As our retreat came to a close, we had a profound sense of connection and purpose. Each participant was encouraged to share their vision for applying permaculture in their own lives and communities. The diversity of ideas and plans was inspiring, reminding us that permaculture has the potential to transform the world through the efforts of permaculture women and the broader community of permaculteurs.

Permaculture Women's Retreat - In the Moment x with Julia Evans-Peers  - Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Permaculture Design Consultant - Mumsnet - AIBU - Positive Psychology, mental Health, world mental health, boho beautiful Yoga, boho meditation, wakeup

The Permaculture Women's Retreat was a transformative experience, a five-day journey that left us not only with a deeper understanding of permaculture but also with lifelong friendships and a sense of purpose. We learned from experts like Paul Stamets about the power of fungi and their critical role in permaculture. We got our hands dirty in hands-on workshops, discovering the joy of regenerative practices. We explored the social dimension of permaculture, understanding that sustainability is not just about the land but about building resilient, interconnected communities.

As we left the retreat, we were not just participants; we were a part of a global network of permaculture women and permaculteurs. We carried home the lessons, the inspiration, and a commitment to applying permaculture principles in our daily lives, making the world a better place, one permaculture project at a time. The Permaculture Women's Retreat was a reminder that permaculture is not just a design philosophy; it's a way of life, and when shared in the spirit of community and sustainability, it can change the world.

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